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Antoine Gilliéron


Born in 1991 in Geneva, Antoine Gilliéron pursued his piano studies at the Lausanne University of Music, where he earned a Bachelor's degree with distinction and a Master's degree in instrumental pedagogy under the guidance of Christian Favre. He furthered his research in piano at the Hochschule Luzern - Musik, obtaining a second Master's degree in contemporary music interpretation.


Antoine Gilliéron is three times laureate of the Swiss Youth Music Competition in piano solo and chamber music and was a recipient of the Ernest Göhner’s prize for artists in training during five consecutive years. He was also chosen by the European Conservatories Association to participate as an expert to many missions of accreditation and management of higher education quality in Belgium (Royal Conservatories of Brussels and Liège), Austria (Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium), Estonia (Estonian Academy of Music and Theater), Poland (Karol Lipinski Academy of Music), Sweden (Malmö Academy of Music), Lebanon (Faculty of Music and Musicology of University Antonine in Beirut) and Tunisia (Higher Institute of Music in Sousse).

As a pianist, Antoine Gilliéron has received valuable advice from renowned professors like Émile Naoumoff, Florian Hoelscher, Sébastien Risler, Alberto Nosè, Tatiana Pikayzen, Laurent Cabasso, Yvan Klansky, Thomas Hecht, Mùza Rubackyté, Aleksandar Madzar or Abdel Rahman El Bacha. He played among others in the Paul Klee Museum in Bern, the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, the Steinway Hall in Lausanne, and in festivals such as Geneva Piano Festival, Pro Musica Festival (France), and Wege der Wahrnehmung in Luzern ; he also played with the contemporary ensemble of HEMU, the ensemble HELIX and the Lemanic Modern Ensemble.

Since 2016, he has taught piano at École de Musique de Pully and École Sociale de Musique de Lausanne, later being appointed as a professor of piano and practical harmony at the Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Théâtre de Genève.

With an humanist vision of music, Antoine Gilliéron has, among other associative activities, took part in projects of musical mediation for Les Concerts du Coeur, Lavaux Classic, the Library of Geneva, or Week-end Musical de Pully, and often gives concert socially oriented.

He is director of Morges International Music Academy since 2016. He holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in cultural and musical project management from the Geneva University of Music and a Master of Advanced Studies in public administration from the Institute of Advanced Studies in Public Administration (IDHEAP) at the University of Lausanne. Continuing his education, he is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Law at UniDistance Switzerland and a Doctorate of Business Administration at JUNIA - Haute Ecole d'Ingénieurs. Additionally, he serves as an expert for the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation and is the secretary general of the Conference of Swiss Higher Universities of Music.

Passionate about poetry, Antoine Gilliéron has also earned a Bachelor's degree in Modern Literature (French literature, philosophy, and linguistics) from the University of Burgundy. His poetic work has been recognized and published by the Interregional Prize for Young Authors, earning him several awards, including the first prize from the Adelphia Foundation for young authors and the Council of State of Geneva award for "the entirety of his artistic qualities."

Thomas Ischi

Assistant Director

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