Frequently asked questions
Q: What is the age range?
A: Most of our students are between 18 and 30 years old but talented and motivated younger or older students are also welcome. For underage students, a liability waiver is required from parents.
Q: When is the application deadline?
A: The 2024 deadline is July 1st at 23:59 (UTC+2). We do accept applications after this deadline if there is still room in the programs ; however, in this configuration the application fee increases of 5%.
Q: I already made an application but I need to make an adjustment. Can I edit my application?
A: Yes. You can change some of your registration data after sending. Best is to contact us at info@morges-academie.ch.
Q: My parents would like to come to the masterclass with me. Is that possible?
A: Yes. Your family members are welcome to listen to your lessons and concerts. They are also invited to the welcome info and the final aperitif.
Q: Can I be refunded if I am not selected?
A: Yes. In case of a refusal you will be fully refunded your tuition fee.
Q: When do I receive application results?
A: The results are released on a rolling basis. All admissions are judged by our Faculty, and we will confirm your participation as soon as possible, normally within one week.
Q: What are the criteria for the admission decision?
A: In order to be admitted in the masterclass, you need to have paid your tuition fee and be accepted by your professor.
Q: Can I pay the tuition fee in several payments?
A: Yes. It's possible but the final balance is due on June 1st. Please note that it might risk your place if your class gets full. For fractioned payments please contact direction@morges-academie.ch.
Q: Do you offer any housing?
A: No. The former Campus of Marcelin is no longer in use, so you need to find your housing yourself. We can send you information of the accommodation possibilities in the Morges area and help you find a family host but housing is not included in the academy.
Q: I received the information about accommodations in the Morges area but there are no free places anymore. What should I do?
A: Please contact info@morges-academie.ch. We might be able to help you.
Q: Can I receive a recording of my performances?
A: Yes. All concerts are recorded. Audio recordings are distributed to each performer.
Q: Am I eligible for a scholarship?
A: Each case is studied separately by the direction, and the scholarships are based both on merit and need. Please contact direction@morges-academie.ch.
Q: How do I find out my lesson schedule?
A: The administration will send your lesson schedule before the beginning of the masterclass.
Q: I don't know the other students or the Morges area. Are there any non-musical activities to create a connection?
A: Yes, you can attend the yoga classes, spend an afternoon on the beach or visit Lausanne with other students. More information will be in your information pack that you receive before the academy.
Q: Should I bring a stand?
A: Yes, you should. There is a stand in your professor's class but not necessarily in the practice rooms.
Q: How do I find out my chamber music group and assignments?
A: If you are in a ready formed group, you can choose your program. If you come without a ready formed group, we will wait until the application deadline to know which instruments are available, and then we will propose a programme for each group, taking everybody's wishes into account. We will let you know about your program on May 15th at latest.
Q: I'm having technical difficulties submitting the application form. How do I find out if my application came through?
A: When you submit your application, the website sends you automatically a copy of your application form to the email address you wrote in the form. Check your spam box and if you can't find it, please contact info@morges-academie.ch.
Q: What about wifi, computers and phones?
A: Please note that Switzerland is not a EU country, so international fees might be applied to your calls. All hotels and cafes have wifi here in Switzerland.
Q: When do I perform?
A: If you wish to perform in a concert, please let your professor know as early as possible. He will give the information to the administration and you will get a confirmation the day before at latest.
Q: Does the academy offer meals?
A: No, meals are not included in the academy. Nevertheless, the academy offers the welcome aperitif, the aperitif after the concert in the castle of Morges and the final aperitif.
Q: Can I arrive late or leave early?
A: It's important to attend to the welcome info (14th of July at 16:00 [UTC+2] in Marcelin campus), so that we know that everybody arrived safe and know where to go in the campuses. If it's really impossible to be on time, please let our administration know. If you need to leave earlier than the final day, please check with your professor that you have time to have all your lessons.
Q: What is your cancellation policy?
A: You can cancel your participation until June 1st, and your refund will be 50% of your tuition fee. There will be no refunds after June 1st.
Q: Can I pay the tuition fee in cash during the academy?
A: No. You have to pay your tuition fee in advance in order to have a place in the class.
Q: What should I wear?
A: Day to day clothing is casual but dress code for concerts is rather formal. Please note that the Swiss summer can be very hot with possibly cool evenings.
Q: Should I send an audition tape or a link to a recent performance?
A: No. It's enough to list your musical studies in the application form.
Q: If my professor can't come to teach, can I get a refund?
A: The academy undertakes to replace any missing professor. If the academy is able to offer an equivalent service, it does not provide refunds to students.
Q: Do I need a Visa to enter Switzerland?
A: EU/EFTA citizens and for example US citizens don't need a visa for a short-term stay in Switzerland but citizens of other countries might need it. Please note that the application time to a visa may take up to three months, so the earlier you apply the better. For more information on travel documents, please visit: